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BREAKING: Nicolò Zaniolo and Sandro Tonali have been questioned by authorities.This happens after being accused about possible involvement in illegal betting.Aston Villa and Newcaste players have both left Italy training camp after speaking to the police.
Italian Federation statement on the accusations of possible illegal betting involvement for Tonali and Zaniolo.?The Federation announces that, in the late afternoon of today, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Turin has notified investigative acts to footballers Sandro Tonali and Nicolò Zaniolo, currently meeting with the national team at the Federal Technical Center of Coverciano.Regardless of the nature of the acts, considering that in this situation the two players are not in the necessary condition to face the commitments scheduled in the coming days, the Federation has decided, also to protect them, to allow them to return to their respective clubs?.
Blir vel han mest sannsynlig utestengt for en lang periode da? Var det 8 mnd Toney fikk?
Innrømmelsen av sykdommen: Tonali vil gå i terapiSom Corriere della Sera skriver, har den tidligere AC Milan-midtbanespilleren lenge gitt luft til familie og nære venner, og innrømmet at han har bukket under for det som for den unge midtbanespilleren bare var "hobbyer", men som risikerer nå å koste ham dyrt. Av denne grunn foreslo påtalemyndigheten at Sandro skulle følge et terapikurs for å overvinne problemet med spilleavhengighet, råd som Tonali godtok. Spilleren vet at han gjorde en feil, men han gjorde det mer av uforsiktighet enn ondskap og er nå klar til å betale konsekvensene.
Fagioli, Tonali and Zaniolo may have risked more than initially thought, with substantial bets on Serie A and Champions League games, plus suspicions of wagering on their own teams. [@CorSport]