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Skrevet av Emne: Alan Pardew  (Lest 575986 ganger)

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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2895 pć: 14. Sep. 2014, 22:27 »
La oss huske at vi har solgt ca 5000 nÞkkelspillere under Pardew da, samtidig som han egenhendig ledet oss til 5. plass for noen sesonger siden. Hold pÄ han og gi oss lit kontinuitet sier nÄ jeg! Itillegg har vi kvittet oss med gift som Ben Arfa og Mbiwa, blir snart fart pÄ sakene!


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2896 pć: 14. Sep. 2014, 22:29 »
Tv-inntektene har gÄtt opp, men profitten har ogsÄ blitt stÞrre fordi MA samtidig, gjennom bevisste valg, redusert klubbens kostnader, som f.eks lÞnn.

Nei, lÞnnen, som jo hovedkostanden for alle klubber, er ikke redusert. Siste regnskap med Shepard-regimet i 2006/07 hadde vi lÞnn pÄ 59,8 millioner pund for sesongen 2012/13 var lÞnnen pÄ 61,7 millioner pund. Vi har Þkt lÞnnskostnadene i alle Är under Ashley bortsett fra sesongen i Championship og 2012/13. SÄ inntrykket om Ashley har ryddet opp i lÞnnskostandene etter Shepard-regimet er ikke helt riktig. Men vi har ikke hatt like stor vekst som de andre klubbene.

SÄ enkelt har hÞyere hÞyere TV-inntekter (fra 26 i 2006/07 til 51 millioner pund 2012/13), salg av spillere og det at vi ikke trenger Ä betale rente pÄ lÄn (glemte det forrige innlegg, dog kun rundt 6 millioner pund i 2005/06 og 2006/07) gjort at vi nÄ har bedre resultater. Det kunne vÊre enda bedre om match day og commercial hadde vÊrt pÄ gammelt nivÄ.

« Siste redigering: 14. Sep. 2014, 23:44 av fredd »


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2897 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 09:11 »
Og vi fortsetter:
2014: P23 W4 D3 L16


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2898 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 09:54 »
Og vi fortsetter:
2014: P23 W4 D3 L16

Sky skrev i gĂ„r at det er 5 seiere.  ::p


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2899 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 10:40 »
“Our fans were difficult, chanting my name from the  start,” he said. “It affected our spirit. It worries me. Mentally we couldn’t cope. When you’ve got fans that are growing in momentum and local media are banned, that isn’t going to help my situation.


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2900 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 11:37 »
“Our fans were difficult, chanting my name from the  start,” he said. “It affected our spirit. It worries me. Mentally we couldn’t cope. When you’ve got fans that are growing in momentum and local media are banned, that isn’t going to help my situation.

Mannen er hjerneskada, hva kan man forvente?


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2901 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 12:14 »
“Our fans were difficult, chanting my name from the  start,” he said. “It affected our spirit. It worries me. Mentally we couldn’t cope. When you’ve got fans that are growing in momentum and local media are banned, that isn’t going to help my situation.

Har ikkje ord. Skyldte jo ogsÄ pÄ fansen etter 3-3 mot Palace. Da meinte han at fansen oppmuntra laget til Ä gÄ for fleire mÄl, nÄr vi leda 3-2. Og det var ein av grunnene til at Palace kom tilbake. For ei fryktelig innstilling Ä ha.
NUFC kommer ingen veg sÄ lenge Ashley sitter pÄ toppen.


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2902 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 12:37 »
Kan bare tolke det som om Alan Pardew Ăžnsker at Toon Army skal se til hvordan sjakkpublikummet oppfĂžrer seg.
...i det selvutnevnte Nordens Paris, som er en like virkelighetsfjern sammenlikning som Ă„ kalle Skedsmokorset Nordens Milano.



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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2903 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 12:43 »
Tolker dog ut ifra den siste setningen der, at han heller ikke er veldig fornĂžyd med at det lokale pressekorpset er utestengt...
▒▓██ T █ O █ O █ N ██ A █ R █ M █ Y ██▓▒


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2904 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 13:53 »
Den godeste Pardew kjÞper seg kanskje litt "goodwill" ved Ä vÊre negativt til at div. presseer utestengt fra St.James Park, men han skal vÊre forsiktig med Ä skylde for mye pÄ fansen. Den lille tilliten Pardew evt mÄtte ha igjen hos fansen er nok allerede mer enn tynnslitt nok fra fÞr...

Et annet spÞrsmÄl jeg har tenkt litt pÄ er allikevel: HVA hvis Pardew faktisk mÄ gÄ eller blir sparket?

Er det lÞsningen? Klarer man Ä finne en dyktig manager som er bÄde a) bedre enn Pardew, OG b) attpÄtil villige til Ä ta Newcastle jobben under de rÄdende forhold?

Det beste vi kan hĂ„pe pĂ„ er vel at en ny manager, hvem enn det mĂ„tte vĂŠre, kan klare Ă„ fĂ„ mer ut av dagens tropp? For det er jo bare Ă„ innse det, vi blir sittende med Colo, Willy og Tayls som vĂ„re eneste stoppere minst til Januar uansett hva som skjer pĂ„ managersiden! 

En ny manager nÄ kan neppe gjÞre det nevneverdig dÄrligere enn han som allerede er manager pdd. Men er det lÞsningen pÄ klubbens problemer? Dessverre sÄ tror jeg ikke det er noe annet enn en kortsiktig lÞsning, all den tid Mike (C)Ashley fortsatt sitter som eier av Newcastle United...


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2905 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 14:32 »
Ashley er selvfĂžlgelig roten til problemene.
Men Pardew mÄ vekk uansett. Han har mistet fansen og spillerne - og er direkte clueless for Þyeblikket. Usikker pÄ om vi noensinne fÄr en virkelig god manager sÄ lenge Ashley er eier, men for Ä bevare PL-status mÄ Pardew ut.
...i det selvutnevnte Nordens Paris, som er en like virkelighetsfjern sammenlikning som Ă„ kalle Skedsmokorset Nordens Milano.



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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2906 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 14:34 »
Er ikke sÄ sikker pÄ at det er spillerne som er hovedproblemet her (men for all del, det kan jo vÊre). MissforstÄ meg rett - det er spillerne som spiller rÊÊÊv, men det virker som om de enten ikke skjÞnner tankegangen/planen til Pardew eller mangelen pÄ en. De er ikke fyllt av vilje til Ä fighte, spille, knuse, knekke tenner! De er late, motlÞse, viljelÞse. Og *det* er manageren sin feil i min verden.

Vi faller *helt* sammen ved mÄl i mot og klarer aldri reise oss igjen. Andre kampen pÄ rad med tidlig mÄl i mot og deretter er det kun "downhill" i 85 minutter. Vi trenger en manager som inspirerer, som spillerne *vil* spille for, en som har baller nok til Ä teste noen en gang for mye eller parkere dem pÄ benken uansett hvem de er. En som spillerne respekterer - som tÞr Ä sette seg i respekt - for det er tydelig at de ikke respekterer Pardew lenger. Ihvertfall for meg.
Sagt av lgrinde om Papisse og Ba fÞr kjÞpet av Cissé var et faktum:
Dei to ville ha blomstra ilag som to nysprungne fruktblomster pÄ eit epletre bada i vÄrsola i Sogn.

Vive la Révolution française!


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2907 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 14:49 »
Han har mistet fansen og spillerne
Kan iallefall slÄ fast at han har mistet fansen, og det er hovedpoenget her. En seier mot Hull vil ikke ha spesielt mye Ä si til eller fra. Han har sÄ mange imot seg at for at det skal snu sÄ mÄ han forandre personlighet i media, han mÄ forandre spillestilen sin og han mÄ levere en rekke gode resultat. Det kommer ikke til Ä skje noen av delene, og nÄr du har mistet fansen sÄ er det igrunnen ingen vei tilbake. Stemningen pÄ stadion kommer til Ä bli helt ufyselig etter hver kamp som gÄr. Begeret kommer til Ä renne over fÞr eller siden (om det ikke har gjort det enda). Jeg sitter ikke og hÄper pÄ tap uansett hvem som trener klubben, men det er helt Äpenlyst at Pardew ikke kan fortsette og en seier mot Hull vil bare kjÞpe han litt ekstra tid. Han kommer til Ä ryke fÞr eller siden om ikke det skjer et mirakel med tanke pÄ hvordan dette nufc laget ser ut pdd. Samtidig sÄ liker jeg ikke Ä se St James sÄ uhyggelig som det kommer til vÊre om Hull vinner. Pardew mÄ vekk nÄ, vi er alledere forbi der det er noen vei tilbake.


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2908 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 15:13 »
God artikkel!

George Caulkin the game blog
It is broken. Not frayed, but broken. Not hanging by a thread, but broken. Not fractured, but broken. The relationship between Alan Pardew and the supporters of Newcastle United can no longer be framed in terms of tension or discontent, grumbling or unease because, on the face of it, there is no longer a relationship to frame. There is a fissure at the heart of the football club which can neither be ignored or repaired.
There is a point in the cycle when the conversation stops being about whether a manager can turn things around, whether he is motivating his players, whether he is good enough, bold enough or suited to the rhythm of his workplace and it starts being about timing. Amid the banners and slogans of fans who had travelled to Southampton on Saturday, the 4-0 defeat, the calls for dismissal, the mockery and derision, the sight of a coach rounding on fans, that point was crossed.
There is nothing knee-jerk about Newcastle’s predicament. It is not a response to four league matches without victory, nor the team’s position at the foot of the Barclays Premier League. This is not because Pardew was born in London or because his club’s followers are a restless, seething mass of deluded sheet-daubers, although you could be forgiven for thinking that; it is a dull, old complaint, but fans remain the subject of witless stereotyping. This is about history. It is also about facts.
Back in May, Newcastle won a match against Cardiff City 3-0, although victory proved a relative concept. The unrest began in the third minute, with a chant directed at Mike Ashley, the owner. There were two organised walkouts, in the 60th and 69th minutes, accompanied by chants of “We want Pardew out” and “Alan Pardew, it’s never you fault.” Pardew, who had recently been banished from the touchline, was beaten back again by a surge of vitriol.
At any other stage of the season, his position would have been intolerable; episodes such as that are rare, but they linger in the memory and trust, faith and understanding had been forsaken. What worked in Pardew’s favour was the full stop provided by the end of the season, an opportunity to turn a page and begin afresh. Nine players were signed in the summer. Pardew spoke about the “new Newcastle United.”
But, the context for the Southampton result is deep. Over the course of 2014, Newcastle have won five games in the league; stack up the numbers and it is relegation form. In nine of those 23 matches, 15 of which have been lost, they have conceded three goals or more, while their biggest victory, 4-1 at Hull City, came with Pardew earning an official warning, a fine of ÂŁ100,000 and a long suspension from the touchline over his boorish altercation with David Meyler.
The 53-year-old is the second longest-serving manager in the division, but only once has Pardew led Newcastle beyond the third round of the FA Cup, while his record in the Capital One Cup is little better. He has presided over three consecutive defeats to Sunderland, the club’s local rivals, a dubious achievement last achieved in 1924. There are a welter of other statistics, but there is also the evidence of the eyes.
Impatience does not taint that evidence. There is a great lie about Newcastle supporters - Sunderland, too - and it centres on the word “expectation”. It implies grandeur, ideas above their station, a stubborn refusal to accept reality. There is nothing wrong with pushing for improvement - if you finish sixth one year, why not hope for fifth the next? - and if you have a crowd of 52,000 where is the crime in ambition, but “expectation” has become a handy excuse for failed managers.
It is also rubbish. When Newcastle stir, it is worth listening, simply because it happens so infrequently. If Newcastle fans express concern at their manager, then you pay attention because loyalty clings to them like guilt. There have been spasms of anger, but there was no revolution when Ashley’s decisions propelled the club towards relegation, when the name of the stadium was changed, when Joe Kinnear came and went. If there is fury now, it means something.
It means something because the reality of Newcastle is not ferment or turmoil. It is the opposite. If they have been threatened with anything, it is by the stealth of apathy, an acceptance of their lot, an existence made up of “priorities”, by the dash for ninth, where the Europa League is an inconvenience. Where a sporting institution straining for glory has been replaced by a works’ team which plods on for the sake of it, recycling money.
It is no longer mitigation to say that Pardew is a decent manager; if he is, he is not showing it. It is no longer mitigation to say that Newcastle finished fifth in 2012; they did, but so what? It is no longer mitigation to say the devil you know is better than the one you don’t; little (more Kinnear apart) could be less rewarding than this. And, it is no longer mitigation to say that Ashley is the problem; he may be, but for the next two years, he is staying put.
When the Pardew era is judged, the structure of the club will be a contributing factor. Good managers challenge; they challenge players to improve and challenge owners to invest, but Ashley does not want to be challenged. The delineation of duties between manager and Graham Carr, the influential chief scout, has never been precise enough, while their transfer policy can simultaneously be worthy, uncompromising and flawed.
It is not Pardew’s fault that Kinnear was a risible appointment as director of football, that two windows opened and shut without Newcastle making a permanent signing. It was not his doing that Yohan Cabaye was sold in January, robbing his team of its creative fulcrum. It is not down to him that a frontline replacement for LoĂŻc RĂ©my was not found. If RĂ©my Cabella has not yet settled and Siem de Jong is injured, can he be held accountable?
Yet Pardew fell out with Hatem Ben Arfa and dispatched him to Hull City on-loan; the France international, prickly but popular, was deemed an asset, explanations were not given and the propaganda battle lost. Because Pardew is the only public face at Newcastle, each word he utters is poured over and picked apart and even if his tone is reasonable, it is the other stuff that grasps the attention. He is tarnished by association.
In the final analysis, results have been so miserable that sympathy has leeched away; the matters Pardew cannot control are now overshadowed by results, his core responsibility. Those results could turn, but Cardiff and Southampton have illustrated that pressing the reset button will not do much and if it means the manager being stricken in his dugout or his assistant breaking off from a warm-up session to remonstrate with supporters, then something has been lost.
The decision, when it comes, will be Ashley’s and, having banned journalists who wrote last week that Pardew had two games to save his job, the only indication is reassuring for the manager, but the worth of that may be limited; gambling is second-nature to the owner, but he will not risk another relegation. That is the bottom line and Ashley cares most about the bottom line, but the cry from the stands is now loud and constant: it is time for change.


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Sv: Alan Pardew
« Svar #2909 pć: 15. Sep. 2014, 16:48 »
Ashley er selvfĂžlgelig roten til problemene.
Men Pardew mÄ vekk uansett. Han har mistet fansen og spillerne - og er direkte clueless for Þyeblikket. Usikker pÄ om vi noensinne fÄr en virkelig god manager sÄ lenge Ashley er eier, men for Ä bevare PL-status mÄ Pardew ut.

JA MA er roten til problemet fordi han ansatte Pardew.

Tv-inntektene har gÄtt opp, men profitten har ogsÄ blitt stÞrre fordi MA samtidig, gjennom bevisste valg, redusert klubbens kostnader, som f.eks lÞnn.

Nei, lÞnnen, som jo hovedkostanden for alle klubber, er ikke redusert. Siste regnskap med Shepard-regimet i 2006/07 hadde vi lÞnn pÄ 59,8 millioner pund for sesongen 2012/13 var lÞnnen pÄ 61,7 millioner pund. Vi har Þkt lÞnnskostnadene i alle Är under Ashley bortsett fra sesongen i Championship og 2012/13. SÄ inntrykket om Ashley har ryddet opp i lÞnnskostandene etter Shepard-regimet er ikke helt riktig. Men vi har ikke hatt like stor vekst som de andre klubbene.

Men du mÄ vel se inntektene i lys av kostnadene? TV-avtalen for 2006/07 var vesentlig lavere enn den som eksisterer nÄ. Hvis du sammenligner i prosent, lÞnnskostnadene versus inntekt i 2007 med nÄ, er jeg rimelig sikker at prosenten for 2007 vil vÊre en god del hÞyere. Hvis jeg ikke tok helt feil hadde vi det 3. hÞyeste lÞnnsbudsjettet i PL da vi rykket ned. Med tanke pÄ lÞnnsutviklingen som har vÊrt i alle klubbene de siste Ärene, er ikke en Þkning pÄ knappe to millioner pund mye. Det dekker ikke engang inflasjonen i lÞpet av de siste Ärene tror jeg.