Selger Newcastle draktsamlingen min, som kanskje er Norges største? Komplett samling av alle heime, borte og tredje drakter brukt i perioden 1995 til 2013 + ein del drakter.
Bilder av alle draktene her: over draktene:Drakt Type Trykk Størrelse
Newcastle home 95-97 Replica S Solgt!
Newcastle away 95-96 Match worn shirt from reserve level. #2 M
Newcastle away 95-96 Replica #18 Gillespie L Solgt!
Newcastle away 96-97 Replica M
Newcastle Home 97-99 Replica M
Newcastle FA Cup Final 98 (v.s Arsenal 0-2) Replica #20 Ferguson M
Newcastle away 97-98 Replica M
Newcastle away 98-99 Replica S
Newcastle Home 99-00 Replica S
Newcastle FA Cup Final 99 (v.s Man.Utd 0-2) Replica #10 Maric M
Newcastle away 99-00 Replica M
Newcastle home 00-01 Replica M
Newcastle away 00-01 Replica #7 Lee S
Newcastle home 01-03 Replica #10 Bellamy S
Newcastle home euro shirt 01-03 Player issued XL
Newcastle home 01-03 shirt Match worn #2 XL
Newcastle away 01-02 Replica S
Newcastle away 02-03 Replica M
Newcastle home 03-05 Replica M
Newcastle away 03-04 Replica M
Newcastle 3rd 03-04 Replica #9 Shearer (Fake trykk) XL
Newcastle away 04-05 Replica #9 Shearer M
Newcastle 3rd 04-05 Replica M
Newcastle home 05-07 Replica M
Shearer`s testimonial shirt Replica #9 Shearer L Solgt!
Newcastle home 05-07 Match issued/worn #9 Shearer XL Solgt!
Newcastle home 05-07 (UEFA CUP) Match worn / signed #26 Ramage L
Newcastle away 05-06 Replica #10 Owen S
Newcastle 3rd 05-06 Replica #5 Emre S
Newcastle away 06-07 Replica S
Newcastle away 06-07 Match worn #37 O`Brien M
Newcastle 3rd 06-07 Replica S
Newcastle home 07-09 Replica #9 Martins S
Newcastle home 07-09 Match worn #8 Guthrie L
Newcastle home 07-09 Player issued #27 Taylor M
Newcastle away 07-08 Replica S
Newcastle 3rd 07-08 Replica #14 N´Zogbia M
Newcastle 3rd 07-08 Player issued M
Newcastle away 08-09 Player issued - Short Sleeve M
Newcastle away 08-09 Player issued - Long Sleeve M
Newcastle away 08-09 Replica #38 LuaLua S
Newcastle 3rd 08-09 Player issued L
Newcastle 3rd 08-09 Replica S
Newcastle 3rd 08-09 Match worn / signed #12 Bassong XL
Newcastle home 09-10 Replica #27 S.Taylor M
Newcastle home 09-10 (Sir Bobby Robson shirt) Replica #4 Nolan S
Newcastle home 09-10 (Champions of the Championship shirt) Replica #18 Jonas L
Newcastle home 09-10 Player issued M
Newcastle GK away 09-10 Player issued #1 Harper M
Newcastle away 09-10 Replica #30 Ranger M
Newcastle away 09-10 Match issued #10 Routledge M
Newcastle away 09-10 (Champions of the Championship shirt) Replica M
Newcastle 3rd 09-10 Player issued #11 Lovenkrands XL
Newcastle 3rd 09-10 Player issued L
Newcastle home 10-11 Match worn #14 Perch M
Newcastle home 10-11 Match worn #18 Jonas L
Newcastle home 10-11 Replica #3 Josè Enrique M
Newcastle away 10-11 Replica #9 Carroll M
Newcastle 3rd 10-11 Replica #30 Ranger M
Newcastle away 10-11 Match worn #30 Ranger XL
Newcastle 3rd 10-11 Match worn #10 Routledge M
Newcastle away 10-11 Player issued XXL
Newcastle 3rd 10-11 Player issued XXL
Newcastle home 11-12 (Limited edition 12th man members shirt) Replica M
Newcastle away 11-12 Replica M
Newcastle 3rd 11-12 Replica M
Newcastle home 11-12 Replica M
Newcastle away 11-12 Replica #24 Tiote M
Newcastle 3rd 11-12 Replica M
Newcastle 3rd 11-12 Player issued XL
Newcastle home 11-12 Replica #10 Ben Arfa XL
Newcastle home 11-12 Match worn #10 Ben Arfa M
Newcastle away 11-12 shirt + shorts Match worn #5 Simpson M
Newcastle home 12-13 (Limited edition 12th man members shirt) Replica L
Newcastle away 12-13 Replica M
Newcastle home 12-13 Replica #23 Ameobi M
Newcastle 3rd 12-13 Replica #4 Cabaye M
Dei fleste draktene er i meget god stand. Nokon er brukte, men mange er heilt nye.
Priser:Replica 200,-
Player issued: 400,- (+ Dei to som er match worn på reservelaget)
Player issued med trykk: 500,-
Match worn: 1000,- +++
Frakt:Kjøper betaler frakt. Kjøper du ei drakt, kan eg sende den som brev. (ca 70,-) Fleire drakter blir det Norgespakke. (Fra 150,- +)
Betaling:Vipps eller postoppkrav (Kjøper betaler den ekstra utgift med postoppkravet)
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